Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Final Ultra Metabolism Numbers

Sunday was the final day of my Ultra Metabolism prescription and I think that it went well, overall. I have to be honest and say that I didn't totally avoid the refined flours and sugars during the 2nd phase as I was supposed to but I'm still pleased with the final results. I've mentioned before that I ate pretty well in general before trying this plan so I didn't expect the full potential weight loss that was advertised in the book to come true for me. I was pretty much right in the middle of the potential loss ranges each week, however. My grand total during the 2 months I did the Ultra Metabolism plan was 13lbs. I'm happy with that! I hope to continue to see a pound fall off here and there, though.

I feel I most benefited from the education and insight that I gained from reading the book. I would have never gone to get my thyroid checked out if not for this book and now I've got an appointment with an Endocrinologist to discuss hypothyroid issues. That's a win in my book. I also feel much more aware of the things that I should and shouldn't eat and I know I have the willpower to be really strict with myself for long periods of time.

That being said, the experience overall has been great! I'm going to try and avoid, as best I can, the things on the "don't eat" list going forward as well. No need to go back to crappy fake foods or foods lacking in nutritional value when I know better!

Also, several friends have been interested in how I lost my weight and have purchased the books as well. I hope that it works as well for them! The positive feedback I've received about my appearance and my increased self confidence has been wonderful! I'm only a few pounds away from the goal I set on my programmable scale 3 years ago and it's a great feeling. I know that if I stick to my good habits and also work with the Endocrinologist I'll be at that goal (or lower!) in no time.

Thanks to everyone for the support!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look wonderful gorgeous! You should post before and after pics.